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Parallel Worlds

Articles, letters and diary fragments about the transforming experience of immigration.

How to Be a Woman - Caitlin Moran

Posted on February 11 2012 by Corina Rose in The reading corner




Controversial book. I was shocked at first, then enjoyed the funny bits, got bored at some point, had the strenght to finish it and didn’t regret: all in all, liked it! I admire people with no inhibitions. The author speaks out loud, with courage and humour, about things that some of us wouldn’t openly discuss even with the best of friends: masturbation, sex, birth, Brazilian wax, abortion and so on. I found Caitlin Moran witty and enertaining, her way of approaching delicate subjects made me feel like I was chatting with a good old friend. The exclamation marks and capital letters (generously used) can irritate a bit, some readers considered her tone quite patronising and actually thought that the book hadn’t been edited; had that impression too, I chose though not to be bothered and focused instead on her ideas, humour and energy.

How recommendable (or not) it is - that depends on the reader’s expectations: it’s not a comprehensive guide on feminism or a self-help book which can teach you in 10 simple steps how to do this or how to get that. However it makes you think, it makes you wonder and perhaps reconsider some of your views about being a woman, and if you are interested in the subject and you like Moran’s style, it’s definitely worth reading!


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